AL SAMED TRADING Co. is a dependable, trustworthy and friendly name in the field of heavy-duty spare parts since 1982, Catering to the needs of earth moving, construction, power generating and agricultural sector in the Kingdom and many neighboring Gulf Countries – specializing in CATERPILLAR, CUMMlNS, and KOMATSU.
For nearly two decades, our priority has been customer satisfaction. Full value for every penny spent by the customer is provided by our carefully planned high quality wide ranging stocks backed by widely experienced, courteous and service oriented staff.
A man is known by the company be keeps. So do our suppliers reflect our quality for our wide ranging needs of engine over-hauling, external fitting, We are proud to have these world class and standard manufacturers as our suppliers:
F. P. Diesel of USA, manufacturers of engine parts and all types of gaskets for CAT, Cunmins and Komatsu Engines And we are distributors / suppliers for all the world-renowned manufacturers listed.
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